Friday, August 10, 2012

Things to Blog About (#2)

"People who have never had an addiction don't understand how hard it can be." - Author Unknown at the moment

So the quote probably doesn't have to do with what I'm talking about, but it relates to my sob story (my typical first world problems) that I'm about to share with you. Background story: I'm in London! It's a great experience...but unfortunately (the main story) I don't have a converter so I can't charge my laptop. Sadly, I am having issues using my cousin's laptop because it isn't a MacBook. I know! I'm so spoiled-but I can't help it. That means that I'll have TONS of writing to do when I'm back, but I'm trying to remember everything so in order to do that, I shall jot down some questions I have for myself, some things I've done and other miscellaneous things. I'll be back in the states soon so I shall expand when I can!

You can read this post if you're bored, otherwise you can wait until the expanded versions are there. This will give you a little bit of insight as to what I'm thinking about on a daily basis!


  • It's totally okay to just sit around all day and chill. Why? Most people are unemployed. Do they care? Are they in search of great jobs? Are the servers in search of better jobs? Are there even better jobs? If yes, what? 
  • The rest of the people? They are tourists. How must it feel as a local person to know that there are more foreigners in your home town/city than locals? Do you love it and feel proud of your city? Do you hate it and wish they would leave you alone? Are they exploiting your culture and lifestyle? Or are they admiring it? Are they criticizing you? Do they have the right to? Do you love it because you make money off of them

Great Britain
  • We were talking about people that have jobs that allow them to make a comfortable living, but aren't where they planned on being in life when my Aunt simply asks: 'If they're happy in the box, then why leave the box?' So intriguing. Can't wait to jump into that topic!
  • My Uncle and I were talking about education in America, the UK and India when he proudly says: 'I want my daughters to come out of the education system not as employees, but as entrepreneurs.'
  • The same Uncle visited us in America a few years ago and said that there were three main things that he clearly remembers. 1) The houses are big. 2) The people are big. 3) The meal portions are big. 
  • Random lady at the passport after she saw my passport beamed at me and said: 'Americans are nice. Most British people don't like them because they think you're all fake...Actually, they think that you're polite out of habit because you always say 'nice to meet you' or 'it was great seeing you again' even though you don't really mean it. It makes us think that you don't care about people. But I think you're great. I love Americans.' Well, thanks lady! I'm glad you like us but you've given me a lot to think about that we overlook on a daily basis.
  • The first family I stayed with was perfect. They were the most functional family I've ever seen! I felt like I was living in a movie. Wait until I blog about them, you'll feel it too :)
  • My Uncle has lived in London and India for most of his he's known lots of Indians living different lives. After visiting America, he stated that Indians in America are hard workers, more so than other places. Why? What makes them so determined in a place where they don't even know the language? How do they last? Why don't they all?
  • A gold medal doesn't mean that you won. It means so much more. What does it mean to you? I'll share what we discussed about it at the dinner table!
  • Comparing ourselves to athletes competing in the Olympics--What are we doing in life while they train so hard? Was it right for Mo Farah to make his family to train? What's right and wrong? Who decides? 
  • I was taken to a HUGE temple to check it out. I'll show pictures and explain everything later-it was just incredible (and I'm not into idol worship so it wasn't really my scene). But anyway, I heard a man talking about the difference between religion and spirituality. What's the difference to you? Are you religious? Spiritual? Both? 
So much more but all of the above I don't want to forget!

So long!

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